Tor Arne, Elina Merenmies and Noora Schroderus on view in Rovaniemi

Works by Tor Arne, Elina Merenmies and Noora Schroderus are on view as part of the group exhibition Land of Dusk – Works from the Wihuri Foundation Collection at Rovaniemi Art Museum until 19 March 2023. The exhibition is a dark tale about the finitude as much as bewilderment over how inconceivably entangled life and the planet are. The exhibition halls are built in the spirit of the Renaissance with curiosity cabinets, or chambers, based on various themes. “Land of Dusk is a narrative rather than an exhibition.” Land of Dusk is curated by Rickard Borgström & Rebecca Chentinell / DACE – Dance Art Critical Ecology.


Tor Arne, Sarjasta Kymmenen maalausta 4, 2001, oil on canvas. Courtesy of Rovaniemi Art Museum