Janne Räisänen:
A Secret Entrance to an Enchanted Garden – There Is Still Hope

Pollo ohne Umlaute, 2011
graphite, acrylic and oil on canvas
68 x 68 cm

Relaxed, sensitive, precise. Amusing, moving, serious. Very manly and very cute. Aware of history and forgetting it. Spirited. Flighty. Rushing. Panning. Heroic, erotic, and like the sandman. Paints and draws intensely.

Janne Räisänen (born 1971 in Pudasjärvi) is all this and a hundred other things. An exhibition of his latest work will open the autumn season at Galerie Anhava.

Räisänen has maintained innocent openness, independence and an ability for direct perception. The power of imagination and free association. Despite their apparent ease, Räisänen’s works are based on solid professionalism, a knowledge of the history of art and the ability to express complex things precisely.

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exhibition view

exhibition view

exhibition view

Tiikerikakku, 2012
ink, acrylic, pencil and oil on canvas
120 x 85 cm

Väsyneen kuvanveistäjäperheen etelänmatka, 2012
coloured pencil and oil on canvas
148 x 168 cm

Raidallinen kissa, 2012
oil on canvas
30 x 40 cm

Pollo ohne Umlaute, 2011
graphite, acrylic and oil on canvas
68 x 68 cm

Pitkähiuksisen poliisin vapaailta, 2012
oil on canvas
168 x 130 cm

Klo seitsemän tee, 2011
pencil, acrylic, coloured pencil and oil on canvas
150 x 90 cm

Rainer von und zu Zufall takaapäin, 2011
ink, pencil, acrylic and oil on canvas
150 x 90 cm

Ohikiitävä elämäni rakkaus, 2011
oil on canvas
89 x 59 cm

Katosta roikkuva hahmo / Sing-A-Sling, 2012
graphite, ink and oil on canvas
150 x 180 cm