The Explorations exhibition at the Turku Art Museum gives an overview to the art collection of Lars Göran Johnsson (b. 1930), one of the foremost private art collectors in Finland. He donated the collection of over 500 artworks to the art museum in 2016, and it has continued to grow since. The Lars Göran Johnsson Collection exhibition includes works by Kari Cavén, Jacob Dahlgren, Kristjan Gudmundsson, Jani Hänninen, Pertti Kekarainen, Matti Kujasalo, Elina Merenmies, Silja Rantanen and Mari Sunna, among other artists.
The multifaceted collection reflects Johnsson’s mobile lifestyle and interest in current events and trends. His work as doctor and researcher took him to the United States in the 1970’s, and today he divides his time between Finland and France. The collection includes alongside Nordic art also American and Central European art. The exhibition opens up vistas onto international modernism and contemporary art.
Explorations is on view from 24 January to 17 May 2020.
Image: Silja Rantanen, What I Know of Burano, 1998, oil on canvas, 200 x 200 cm. Photo Erkki Valli-Jaakola/Pori Art Museum