Karoliina Hellberg at Amos Rex

Karoliina Hellberg takes part in Between Us group exhibition at Amos Rex museum, Helsinki. The exhibition is now open and on display until 5 September 2021. 

Between Us presents works that were born when artists Karoliina Hellberg, Tero Kuitunen and Raimo Saarinen were given free rein to create new art for areas outside of the exhibition hall, within the museum and Bio Rex cinema. These site-specific works were born out of a dialogue with the architecture of the museum, the Lasipalatsi building and their chronological strata. This study of spatiality took the artists into the realms of frantic consumer culture, a rewilding post-human world and parallel realities.

The exhibition features two installations by Hellberg. In her works, she examines the relationships between art, viewer and space. The worlds of paintings and works on paper extend beyond the frame to works in glass, stone and bronze, lithographed wallpaper, and for the first time to moving images as well. The installation Low-Pressure, which plays with the scale of the cinema, is made up of works on paper hanging on the premiere wall and a cine film showing on a small screen. In an installation in the underground exhibition space, Hellberg ponders the idea of the afterlife and parallel realities.