The first part of a series of murals designed by artist Jorma Hautala and realised by young artists has been finished in Järvenpää to celebrate the city’s 70th anniversary year. The murals, Forte and Crescendo, were executed as a master-student process, in which four artists, Heidi Katajamäki, Aleksi Liimatainen, Ilkka Iijalainen and Aku Aalto, participated in the completion of the work under the guidance of Hautala. The two remaining ones, Rubato and Staccato, will be finished 2022.
Representing colorist concreteism, the works complement the walls of Wärtsilänkatu’s 1960’s buildings. The murals are located at the north and south ends of two of the houses. The apartment buildings that serve as the basis of the mural are in residential use. When finished, Järvenpää’s mural complex is the largest in Finland, consisting of four apartment buildings, with a total size of more than 1000 m2.
Photo: Ilkka Vuorinen | Upeart