Antti Laitinen and Noora Schroderus at Borås Art Museum

Works by Antti Laitinen and Noora Schroderus are on view in the group exhibition Monstrous Wonders – Finnish contemporary art, at Borås Art Museum in Sweden. The exhibition is dedicated to Finland as an art nation and takes a close look at its contemporary art scene, featuring seven prominent Finnish artists. Other participating names are Anna Estarriola, Ida Koitila, Antti-Ville Reinikainen, Heli Ryhänen and Emma Rönnholm. Current themes such as existential issues, behaviour patterns, world views, mysticism, the environment and power can be traced throughout the exhibition, where the bizarre and the poetic meet the humorous and challenging. The exhibition runs until 11 September 2022.

Image: Antti Laitinen, Broken Landscape VI, 2019, pigment print, diasec, 130x180cm