Santeri Tuori at Fotografiska Stockholm

Santeri Tuori takes part in the group exhibition In Bloom at Fotografiska Stockholm from 17 February until 11 June 2023. The exhibition is a symbolic, philosophical and poetic exploration of nature through photography, and provides glimpses of how photographers represent and work with nature today. In Bloom brings together 16 photographers all striving to understand and explore nature and humanity’s relationship to it.

From Tuori, showcased are photographic and video works from his Forest, Sky and Waterfall series. Waterfall #2 (2021), a massive fifteen-metre-wide video projection of falling water from the melting glaciers in Iceland will cover an entire wall in the museum’s exhibition space.


Image: Santeri Tuori, Waterfall #2, 2021, two channel HD video installation, 4 330 x 15 280 cm, 12 min 35 sec. Courtesy of the artist.